The truth

My recent conversation resolve around the truth vs what you want to hear. 

"That's the reality. Probably that isn't what you want to hear but if I need to pay the price for being honest, I'll pay it.  Most of us, live in a false certainty. Live has proved to me again and again that when you are honest, you might not get what you want because some people like to hear what they want to hear"

I am totally agree with this statement from a friend of mine. Be it during interview session for a job, or in a relationship, between parents and their kids or when you drive too fast and you are stopped by the policeman... you have to pay a certain price for being honest. So which one do you choose? 

Personally, I have trust issue. You have to prove what you say to make me believe it. Blame it to the auditing experience. Supporting document or evident is a must. But I know sometimes you need to rely and listen to your heart, your instinct, and your gut feeling. Do you always believe and trust your partner?

I can feel and hear the sincerity. So I choose to believe it.  

I cried. I think very hard and keep on rewinding all the words. Trying to digest and blend it well in my head. That's totally isn't what I want to hear but that's the fact. I just have to accept it as it is. What will happen if I hear just the way I want it and one day I find out that it is all lies and false promises? No more trust. No more respect. No more friendship. I rather cry then live in denial with perfect smile. Just like this saying from Paola Coelho.... 


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