Weekly dose @ Wondermilk, Publika

Craving for cupcakes? This is my fav spot to hang out and at the same time I get to indulge myself with the cutest food (to my definition... cupcake = cute). Since we have a big party to plan for... we decide to spend our Sunday at Wondermilk, Publika for brainstorming session. Plus cupcakes is good to stimulate your creative brain and the other side of you, your cheekiness. 

A wonderful place for a party!

My fav are mint choc chip and red velvet!

Brainstorming session. Scribbling our plans.

A must place to visit at least once a month - when you are feeling down, blue, sad or even happy, excited, and in love, cupcake will always be there for you.

Now it is your turn to tell me what's your cutest food. 


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